Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Introductions are in order

Name: Grant Miiller

Contact: gamiiller@pluto.dsu.edu

Hometown: Corsica, SD

Grade Level: Junior

Major: Web Development

Favorite Food: Sirloin steak

Favorite Movie: Snatch, Shaun of the Dead

Hobbies or interests: Been skateboarding for a couple years now. I also got really into drawing as well and I'm trying to teach myself how to do it right. My main love (and plans for the future) is graphic design, but I'm getting a web publishing degree to help pay for it. Can't go wrong with video games either.

Goals for this class: I really want to master web publishing. I plan on using the skills I learn from this to get a job and help me pay for and achieve my other dreams.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Grant-
    Nice to meet you. Glad to see that you have some pretty high goals for this class. We will be using tools and techniques that should help you reach this goal. I am not sure if you will master web publishing, but we will get you going toward that goal. I wouldn't mind seeing you post a couple of examples of your graphic design work. I too love designing various things ranging from print media such as posters to digital media such as websites.

  3. I have a passion for graphic design as well, though I would like to work more in video game design. When I started here DSU didn't offer the game design major, but now it does and I plan to take that major after I finish graphic design.

  4. Yeah, Shaun of the Dead is great. I actually like Hott Fuzz more for some reason but Simon Pegg is always funny.

  5. Hi Grant,

    I'm a fan of Snatch as well. Brad Pitt's character will always be etched in my memory. He plays the quirky characters so well, just like in Burn After Reading, which is also an awesome movie.

  6. Hey Grant,
    mmmmm Sirloin Steak....one of my favorites too. I have seen parts of Shaun of the Dead...ha pretty funny what i saw.

  7. Hi Grant! Your movie taste is quite amazing! I also love Snatch and Shaun of the Dead! Classics! :D

  8. Hey Grant! Web design/development will definately bring in more cash than just a graphic design degree. I might end up going back and getting another degree in that as well, but for now the web design minor is all I'm aiming for :)
